This manga mixed with elements of comedy and horror has been making waves in the manga-loving community. The story was adapted into the Demon Hunter Anime. In addition to the main character Denji, the "pink shadows" in the series also stand out thanks to their unique and new way of building personalities. Join Hobiverse to take a look at the most beautiful female characters in Chainsaw Man manga !
One of the most beautiful female characters in the Chainsaw Man manga: Makima
Makima is the first female character to appear in the life of main character Denji. She won the hearts of many readers thanks to her most attractive and beautiful appearance. You will easily be fascinated by her eyes with magical concentric circles. It is not difficult to recognize Makima as her outstanding feature is her bright red hair tied in a braid over her shoulder.
Fans can't even take their eyes off the most beautiful female character in the Chainsaw Man manga because she has a super cool and a bit scary aura, the reason is because she holds a high-ranking position in the Demon Hunting Department. Therefore, she is also somewhat cool and a bit scary when she first appears.
This beautiful and gentle character is an extremely principled person
The first impression of anime fans in general and Denji in particular on the most beautiful female character in the Chainsaw Man manga is gentleness. Her gentle voice and warm hug towards Denji when they first met made him fall in love with her immediately.
In contrast to that gentle facade, Makima is very principled and she always maintains a disdainful attitude towards the main character. She asked him to only say "Yes" or bark "Woof" and not to argue back. However, her beautiful appearance and contrast in personality and demeanor still attract a large number of fans. Not stopping there, she also has the power to control other people's minds, receiving the love of many people in the manga.
=> See more character models at Hobiverse: Chainsaw Man Q Posket-Makima BANPRESTO Doll Toys
Himeno is also a member of the Demon Hunter Bureau. She is a colleague of Hayakawa Aki and was once a student of Kishibe. Himeno's characteristics are shoulder-length hair and a one-sided eyepatch. She lost one eye after accepting a contract with Ghost Devil. In particular, Himeno has a habit of smoking. Her mischievous appearance while smoking has truly "captured the hearts" of many people.
Her beautiful and mischievous appearance makes many fans love her
The most beautiful female character in the manga Chainsaw Man has contrasting personality and appearance. She has a charming appearance but a rather free-spirited and childish personality. Himeno secretly loves Aki and always wants to help him let go of his hatred for the Gun demon and avoid committing to death. However, this beautiful girl could not escape the same fate as many other demon hunters. Her passing left many regrets in the hearts of fans.
Reze has a rather small and pretty figure, combined with dark purple hair and green eyes, making her even more attractive. She always has a happy and lovely smile on her lips, this is also the reason Denji quickly fell in love with her.
Reze met Denji on a rainy day, and she said that Denji smelled like the dog she used to raise. Reze is also the most beautiful female character in the Chainsaw Man manga and is confirmed to have a romantic relationship with Denji. It's sad that! Her real purpose in coming to Denji is for his heart - or the demon Saw's. Reze is the embodiment of the Bomb demon, bringing countless horrifying deaths to demon hunters.
Indeed, this girl deserves the title of one of the most beautiful female characters in Chainsaw Man manga
Power (Blood Demon)
Power - one of the most beautiful female characters in the Chainsaw Man manga - is Denji's partner and extremely close friend. Power has long pink hair, plus two small red horns on the top of his head. Power's outfits are always messy and sloppy, and her outfit also partly reflects her personality.
=> See more character models at Hobiverse: Chainsaw Man Chain Spirits Vol.4 BANPRESTO Doll Toys
Power and our main character are like a pair of "crazy" characters. Despite behaving somewhat impulsively, stupidly, and disrespectfully towards those around him, Power still has quite a few fans thanks to his adorable appearance. Besides, Power is always confident that she is the most beautiful person.
Her "crazy" level is also noticed by many manga lovers
Kobeni Higashiyama
Kobeni Higashiyama has a small stature. Her hair is always pulled back and neatly pinned back with red clips, which is also her characteristic feature. Kobeni's face has quite a few moles, but that's not the reason to exclude her from the ranking of the most beautiful female characters in Chainsaw Man manga , but that feature makes her even more attractive.
Kobeni's personality is somewhat shy and timid. Her opinions are quite selfish and always put her own interests first. She is afraid of death and often cries loudly whenever danger comes. However, the pitiful family situation that created that strange personality received the sympathy of many manga fans.
Her shy and timid personality was created due to her family situation
Asa Mitaka
Mitaka Asa is the main character of the second part of the Chainsaw Man manga. She is a high school girl and often frowns at everything around her. Asa often dresses simply in her school uniform, her hair is simply tied on both sides.
Asa is the vessel of the Demon of War, also known as Yoru. Because they share bodies with each other, when Yoru occupies the body, Asa's appearance also changes. Her long hair was let loose, and a large scar also appeared on her face. However, this does not make them ugly, but also makes Asa/Yoru the most beautiful female character in Chainsaw Man manga thanks to her super cool beauty.
This scar makes her beauty more wild
Famine - Famine Demon
Famine's appearance in part 2 of the manga quickly made fans excited thanks to her extremely impressive appearance, along with the mystery of her identity and strength. When Yuko signed a contract with the devil, Justice right at school caused a terrible massacre, causing many people to be dragged into it. Famine took that opportunity to possess the body of a dead high school girl, thus taking on that girl's appearance and becoming one of the most beautiful female characters in the Chainsaw Man manga .
Famine has shoulder-length hair and has a habit of tilting her head slightly. Her face is also dotted with many large and small moles like Kobeni. Famine possesses beautiful pupils with patterns of concentric circles. In addition, fans also noticed the pair of long earrings with triangular patterns that always swing every time Famine tilts her head.
Has this super cool beauty caught your attention?
=> See more character models at Hobiverse: Chainsaw Man character model
Who do you like the most among the 7 most beautiful female characters in Chainsaw Man manga ? This manga series is still ongoing and is receiving a lot of attention from readers. Please keep updating the information so you don't miss any interesting details of this work. Don't forget to watch Anime Chainsaw Man to enjoy impressive action scenes!
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